Time to Think About ‘The Next Great Copyright Act’ in the US? — Emmanuel Legrand takes a thorough look at US Register of Copyrights Maria Pallante’s recent call for broad copyright revision. “She admitted in her statement that the list of issues she wanted to tackle ‘is long’: ‘clarifying the scope of exclusive rights, revising exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives, addressing orphan works, accommodating persons who have print disabilities, providing guidance to educational institutions, exempting incidental copies in appropriate instances, updating enforcement provisions, providing guidance on statutory damages, reviewing the efficacy of the DMCA, assisting with small copyright claims, reforming the music marketplace, updating the framework for cable and satellite transmissions, encouraging new licensing regimes, and improving the systems of copyright registration and recordation.'”
Creators need copyright protection — Speaking of copyright revision, Neil Portnow, president and CEO of the Recording Academy, discusses three principles that should be central to any discussion of such an effort. “The more art is created, the more businesses that rely on content will succeed. It’s not content versus innovation — content drives innovation.”
“It Is What It Is†// an interview with Sound Fix owner James Bradley; store to close after nine years this saturday (Record Store Day) — Freeloading author Chris Ruen interviews the proprietor of an indie record store that has finally decided to close shop. “…we created this atmosphere that people warmed up to. The idea of a place where you can soak up the whole experience, where music was performed and sold and embraced and artists came there.”
Not all change is innovation — “Advertising, which yields about 90% of Google’s extraordinary wealth, has no independent, intrinsic value; it must be pegged to products and services that do have intrinsic value in the consumer market. We literally cannot all be in sales and marketing; some of us have to make things. Hence, any business practice that dilutes intrinsic value for the sake of advertising value is not only not innovative, but is a form of cannibal economics over the long term.”
How YouTube “Monetizes†Your Songs to Sell Illegal Goods — “They can pay $500,000,000 in punishment to the government, but they can’t quite manage to find a way to tell advertisers or songwriters that their songs or ads are being used to push drugs to YouTube’s young audience.”
If Only the Tech Industry Understood the Music Industry They Want to ‘Replace’… — Says Helienne Lindvall: “Copyright without control, without the ability to say no, creates a race to the bottom as far as being able to monetise “content” – it lines the pockets of the distributors (YouTube, The Pirate Bay et. al.) but not those who created it.”