Europe is right. Social media titans should pay up to use creative content. — Loyola Law School professor Justin Hughes discusses the recently passed EU copyright directive. “For California’s titan industries — entertainment and high tech — markets are global and what happens in Europe matters. But just as the U.S. digital copyright law inspired Europe to adopt safe harbors for online companies in the earliest days of the internet, Europe’s new copyright law may inspire Washington to rethink how and how much creative professionals are paid in a vastly different and richer digital economy.”
Copyright Office Proposes Federal Right of Publicity Law — This week, the US Copyright Office issued its long-anticipated report on moral rights in US law. Among the potential legislative recommendations the Office offers is a federal right of publicity law.
‘It’s not play if you’re making money’: how Instagram and YouTube disrupted child labor laws — “Those laws, which were designed to protect child stars from exploitation by both their parents and their employers, are not being regularly applied to today’s pint-sized celebrities, despite the fact that the major platforms, YouTube and Instagram, are based in California. The situation is a bit like ‘Uber but for … child labor’, with a disruptive technology upending markets by, among other things, side-stepping regulation.”
Pirated streaming devices are filled with malware, researchers find — CNet reports on new research from Digital Citizens Alliance, which has found a high prevalance of malware in popular streaming devices and apps, meaning users are not only undermining the ability of creators to continue to create the types of shows and films they enjoy, but are exposing themselves and their personal information to acute risks.